What’s New?
Update #11: Didn’t win, but will still write!
So Dorian Legends Creator Funding for me is over, but 23 stories are moving on. Which is epic! The idea for some of these are pretty epic. Looking forward to a few particular ones and was over the moon to see a lot of variety. I know I didn’t pitch the story I made the way I wanted to, but I felt limited with the time and energy I had that I could spend on How To Human.
But that’s all okay. I’m still planning to continue How To Human, and once I do. I’ll probably place the link in an edit for this post. Overall, it was a good experience and a kick to the behind to getting back to just being creative. I loved the process of building some lore, the characters, some of the background to the world and it’s nice to see that there was interest in the story developing. I have other plans for other stories too.
Dorian does make it easier to put a CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) / Visual Novel / Otome game possible. It also helps that their community is active and very helpful. If you’d like to read my stuff, curious about other stories, or looking for a place to create your own stories too then I highly recommend it. This is my link (Apple App Store) and if you can play on Google Play Store here.
Other than that, not much more to update. It’s Thanksgiving where I’m at, so happy Turkey Day if you celebrate it this long weekend or at a later date! And maybe you might see some changes to the site. I am thinking of some strategically placed ad space so I can put some affiliate stuff and give space to promote other artists that are aligned with me. That’s all more to keep the site and to support future upcoming projects.
Um, just going to leave my game promo up in case anyone wants to try to play through the pitch or wants to see what I put together from TikTok. How To Human game pitch link.
@zeeisdigital Rick on the left and Nero on the right. These 2 gents are on my Dorian Legends Pitch. @Dorian #DorianLive #DorianPitch #DatingSim #Spicy #FYP #SciFi #DatingGame #CYOA #ChooseYourOwnAdventure #YN #LoveInterests #UndercoverRomance #StrongButSilent #Humetics #VisualNovel #VisualNovelGame #VN #DORIANLegends #🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ #🌶️ ♬ Guess featuring billie eilish – Charli xcx & Billie Eilish
Update #10: Getting Back On Track – New Route
First things first. Hello! Good to be back.
Second thing, this long update that I will just bullet form. Because no has time for flowery stuff.
- I’m revamping my site.
- I’ve been dealing with personal stuff, that’s why I’ve been absent. Still dealing with personal stuff. And health stuff too.
- I’ve had to move twice.
- My technical devices have been needing to be replaced.
Third thing, the positive side to this update.
- I’m trying new things again.
- I’m reviving M2Makers. So I can sell my non-digital things at markets, craft fairs, and cons.
- I’ve made myself a PNGtuber avatar, so hoping to start some livestreaming or video commentary. Me and my camera aren’t always friends, so this is a great solution for me.
- I started making templates, more for those that sell products and need them for markets.
- I’ve got a new tablet, so I’m excited to do more video editing and drawings.
- I want to get into making CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) / Otome types of games through Dorian’s app. If you’re a writer or artist, you might want to consider joining too. This is my link if you’d like.
So ya, that’s the jist of it. I’m just getting back to making things.
Update #9: eLearning on the menu, plus updates on Canva, Discord and other projects
Wow, 2 more months until the end of 2022. It’s going by really quick.
There’s been a lot happening recently. One of those things is that I recently joined a networking group call Toronto Professional Women’s Meetup. It’s really great, and it’s a nice way of meeting ladies in different fields, unwind and just talk. Each of the experts there give good insight and the owner of the networking events is great. She’s got regular members and VIP members, so highly recommend checking the networking events out.
So other then that, I’ve done a few things:
- I put back up eLearning tab! Yay! Finally getting back to teaching. This time though, I will try to do “bigger” classes. Not the greatest public speaker, but I do like teaching. I’m giving this a shot on Zoom to host classes for 30 – 50 people, I don’t expect it to reach those numbers, since I more promote 1-on-1’s. I still want to give this a shot for all of 2023 though. Sign up for class updates for launching dates.
- We have a few classes that’ll be free and paid
- I’m still offering 1-on-1s. None of them would be free, I am considering VOD (Video on Demand) or having them hosted on platforms like Skillshare or Udemy and the like.
- Also, not sure if I will have resources under there, treat the resources I put under the eLearning tab as separate from other resources, or just have some duplicates in a resource tab. But something that I’m thinking about for sure.
- Canva approved 2 emote sets that I did. You can check them out here: canva.com/p/zeeisdigital
- Discord is slowly coming along. It will be ready before classes, or at least the foundation will be.
Another major thing to not is that I’ll be doing an interview with Marketing Muse Inc.. We’d probably just talk about Canva mostly. We’ll see how that goes, I might have a few stumbles, but that’s okay. It’ll be my first ever and some of the experience I have being a panelist should help.
So there you have it. Now we’re all caught up.
Update #8: So much ground to cover, newer things to come!
Hello everyone! Thank you for stopping by and always supporting me. There’s been some newer things happening in my life. On a first note… FINALLY! I’m a Canva Creator! Woot! So I’m very happy for that. I know it’s a bit of a default since Canva did a whole boat load of new stuff. That’s something I’ll be feeding in through in the Articles section. So that’s something.
I feel like this post is going to be long if I don’t make this all in bullet points.
- Canva Contributor is now Canva Elements Creator which is also recognized as Canva Creator, am applying for Canva Templates Creator too.
- The site is getting a different kind of portfolio refresh. While I’ll still be doing art and adding it here from time to time. The focus is definitely shifting more to a creative resource website. I’m all for giving as much creative power to those who seek it for themselves or on a budget and need resources to do it themselves.
- The art request form is gone, because I won’t be taking on art trades and commissions for a while.
- I’ll still offer private tutoring for specific programs, but I’ll be adding VOD-like classes and group workshops to the eLearning structure. I’ll re-populate in the menu once the new page is done.
- I’m building a community Discord channel. Slowly getting into the process of it. Didn’t feel like there was a need for one, but I’ll be having the Classroom Office Hours there. So I’ll be sharing a link soon in the menu.
- The shop, as you guys know, I’m redoing the shop and I’m redoing the freebies. All the digital assets, presets, LUTs, templates and other digital things will be structured. I think I’m going to be retiring some of the digital products or redo them so they’re suitable for use and have better instructions.
- That’s pretty much it. Other than a tiny change. @zeeisdigital is still my handle. But after thinking about it, my handle is going to be my studio name. So it’s registered as Zee Is Digital Studio because there’s a lot more happening than me sharing my art.
So the TL;DR of this all, tons of website changes and things that I’ll be offering and slight re-branding for the site.
Update #7: Site and online store on hiatus, Canva Zodiac set is done, freelancing, and health
That is probably one of my longest titles. Feel free to treat that as the TL;DR for this update.
So this site is now in hiatus, this also means that the request form and shop is in hiatus mode too. I will also be disabling the Gumroad store. All of that is temporary though and I will resume once my scheduling gets better. Everything is on pause due to health reasons and because I’ve been busy freelancing outside of my normal 9-5, don’t know how long that will be (also working on a secret project).
Other than that, I’ve recently had some new items added into my Canva Contributor profile page (still working on becoming a Canva Creator). I’ll update an image in the next update that I make. Hopefully with better news,
Canva Contributor Portfolio so far – link
Update #6: Injured, but back to work.
So I’ve recently hurt myself. I’m fine, just a minor setback. So it might take me a while to get back into the swing of things. I’m doing some writing and some art now, but I’m not sure if I’ll be ready for March. But we’ll see. I’m already working on Easter stuff since I couldn’t concentrate on Valentine’s Day stuff.
Anywho, here’s a small illustration I was making. I thought it was cute.

Update #5: My Only December Freebie Drop
Okay, so it’s the winter hols. I’m tired, so I’m choosing to relax this year. But I wanted to share this. So I’ve got a December freebie drop and it’ll probably be the only one for this year. I do have more, but I will probably end up hoarding them until next year because it’s just crazy and I don’t have time to make content to bring attention to them.
In any case, this is what it is. I’ll see you all next year, with new stuff and hopefully, my site overhaul will be done before March 2022 (that is if I’m deciding not to redo my professional freelancing site). Anywho, have a great winter holiday!
Update #4: Am on GIPHY!
So good news I’m on GIPHY, my handle is searchable (@zeeisdigital) and so my GIFs are visible. They’re usable with apps that have it integrated, so think Facebook Stories, Instagram Stories, TikTok, etc. The only thing missing is the cherry on top. I’m sort of in the artist program, but sort of not. It’s limbo because I don’t have a blue checkmark. I think it might take a real long while before I start hitting the 1M mark as most of the artists I’ve seen that have a checkmark are up there in number. At least that’s been my experience since I’ve never hit 1M in anything.
Anywho, here’s a sample of some of the GIF stickers. I’ll put this somewhere in the portfolio and maybe with winter happening in a few months, I’ll take on commissions or requests. So if you read this. Thanks for the support.
Giphy profile link is below:

Update #3: So I Did Something To The Site
So I pulled the plug on dead links to projects elsewhere, tidying up some things on the site. That’s about it for now for the website. In terms of outside projects. Well, that didn’t seem to want to pan out the way I want, so I’ll be stepping back and might pivot to do something else with it.
I did get myself a Giphy account; just registered a few minutes ago. Been a while since I’ve done any GIF-making. I’ll actually try to apply to their artist program. Wish me luck.
Update #2: Working on Projects
Shortest update, that looks weaker than a Tweet. Can’t talk, but I promise to get myself back into here and do a better update.